'De herders zagen bij nachte' 'The shepherds saw by night'  2018 Pencil on paper



Motus Exterioris

'Self Portrait'


Ceramic copy of my own walking feet


My drawings and installations originate from imagination and wonder. Our search for our innerness make us, in mind, travel. These journeys makes us wanderers; pilgrims. My work is a search about being lost in my and our innerness. I look for these moments that feel timeless and lost from the current world to create a wandering place for the viewer.

At the moment I am researching the soul and the spirit with their definition and powers. The soul is motion, the soul is spirit and the spirit travels between the two planes we are most familiar with; our inside and the landscape.

Part of art master dissertation:

One.                           Do you see that line over there?

Two.                           No….

One.                           It is there!

Two.                           That is not a line, it is a place. A place that will be nearer to us with each step we take.

One.                           The line I meant is the horizon.

It is imaginary.

Two.                           The horizon?

 2016 video installation "The imagined line"

Collection of works:


'Onderbroken bezieling, Uncontinued movement of the soul' 2016


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